From the escape game to the treasure hunt, the explosion of the investigation game

This is not new, life-size investigation games are very popular! Obviously, two words come to mind when talking about this trend: escape game.

With the first launch in 2013, the number of rooms was around 300 in 2017, eventually reaching over 800 today. Nevertheless, there is a sense of weariness on this side, and this is where the trail game stands out. With a 2009 creation, Who Wants to Track is a forerunner of investigation games and has managed to offer an experience that is sufficiently rich and varied not to fall into the trap of an escape game trend that is reaching saturation point.

Immersion is the key

With its setting, elaborate mechanisms and time pressure, an escape game wants its players to be fully immersed in the experience.

For its part, Qui veut pister has decided to rely on a more fundamental approach to immersion: the involvement of the participant in a story. Simply unlocking or escaping will not be enough. The setting also plays its part here, as the plot takes full advantage of the notion of “life-size” with an entire neighbourhood as a field of exploration.

Companies are getting into the game

In addition to its public success, the survey game also reached another type of participant: the company. If escape games work for the smallest of them, it is difficult to do an effective team-building in a room (or two) with more than 10 or 15 people

And that’s where the scavenger hunt comes in again. With a capacity of 10 to several hundred participants, a Qui veut pister game is ideal for building teamwork in a fun way.

For the general public or companies, the life-size investigation game continues its rise. If the escape game is the figurehead, it seems that the instigator of the trend, the treasure hunt, will also be the revival.


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